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Finchley Foodbank is a huge team effort which starts with the support of our community.
Over the years neighbours and friends have enabled us to support our ever-growing client list. Schools, churches, synagogues, businesses, community projects and more recently, whole streets have all been contributors to our work.



We're very grateful for all donations. Before you donate, please ensure all food is unopened, in date and in its original packaging. 


We accept donations from the public on Friday's from 11am - 2pm in the parish centre behind St. Mary's RC church, 279 High Road, N2 8HG.


For our most recent requests of much-needed items, please click here:


We are grateful to receive donations to Finchley Foodbank as this allows us to purchase essential items in low stock, buy extras such as eggs, hire premises,

pay our key-worker and meet our overheads.


Donations can be made in several ways:


-By direct bank transfer or standing order

Our bank details are:

Account Name: Finchley Foodbank

Sort Code: 40-52-40

Account Number: 00035623



​-Cash and cheques can be addressed to Finchley Foodbank and delivered to the house next to St. Mary's RC Church at

279 High Road, East Finchley, N2 8HG

Cheques should be made payable to "Finchley Foodbank"

If you are able to Gift Aid your donation

please complete the gift aid declaration form.


-You can also donate via our CAF Donate page:




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A crucial element of Finchley Foodbank is our volunteering team. The team are sensitive to the needs of the clients, work from a position of trust and are great team players.


Roles range from receiving deliveries to sorting food donations to restocking shelves and staffing Tuesday and Saturday sessions. 


If this could be you, to start the process of joining our team, please click below and get in touch:

Finchley Foodbank

279 High Road, East Finchley, Barnet, London, N2 8HG, UK

We've been supported by the National Lottery Community Fund

Thanks to National Lottery players!

Finchley Foodbank is registered with the Charity Commission. Charity No. 1200503




For everyone's protection we have CCTV in all public places.


©2024 by Finchley Foodbank

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